Ag PhD Farm Basics
5 Seasons
In these Farm Basics segments taken from Ag PhD, Brian and Darren Hefty present on-farm topics to a non-farming audience, peeling back the curtain with down-to-earth explanations that help viewers achieve a better understanding of the truth of agriculture.
04:38Episode 1319
Starting Shelterbelts | Ag PhD
Episode 1319
Trees provide protection from the weather and a lifetime of beauty. The Hefty brothers give you a checklist to creating a healthy hedgerow on your farm.
02:17Episode 1318
Ag PhD Field Day 2023
Episode 1318
The Hefty brothers discuss all the exciting things at this year's Ag PhD Field Day on July 27th, 2023.
03:11Episode 1317
All About Barns | Ag PhD
Episode 1317
It's Barn Basics today! Brian and Darren remember their childhood barn on the Hefty farm and talk about the changes these icons of agriculture have gone though in the past few decades.
03:27Episode 1316
Grass Waterways | Ag PhD
Episode 1316
Darren and Brian explain the purpose of grass waterways in fields and why some farmers like them and others may not.
02:36Episode 1315
Soybean Flowering | Ag PhD
Episode 1315
Those little purple flowers on soybean plants are triggered by the summer solstice. The Hefty brothers talk about this critical stage of development in today's Farm Basics.
03:11Episode 1314
Plant Growth Hormones | Ag PhD
Episode 1314
The Hefty brothers discuss the safety and use of plant growth hormones on the farm.
02:55Episode 1313
Ag PhD Field Day | Ag PhD
Episode 1313
Ag PhD Field Day is July 27th, 2023. It's free, there's something for everyone, and over 10,000 people will be on the Hefty farm that Thursday.
03:24Episode 1312
Corn Maturity Selection | Ag PhD
Episode 1312
Brian and Darren Hefty talk about various factors that farmers consider when choosing what maturity of corn to plant.
02:28Episode 1311
Ag PhD Scouting and Scholarships | Ag PhD
Episode 1311
Brian and Darren invite everyone to attend this year's Scouting and Scholarships event at the Hefty farm. There will be hands-on learning and hundreds of college scholarships given out.
03:20Episode 1310
How Much Seed Do Farmers Buy? | Ag PhD
Episode 1310
Learn about the various factors that farmers consider when deciding how much seed to purchase for planting the whole farm.
02:27Episode 1309
Sweet Corn vs. Field Corn | Ag PhD
Episode 1309
Sweet corn is what you eat, yet most farmers produce #2 yellow corn. Brian and Darren Hefty explain the differences in today's tasty Farm Basics.
03:29Episode 1308
Increasing Stalk Size | Ag PhD
Episode 1308
Learn how farmers can maximize stalk size in their crops in order to reduce lodging and other problems.
04:20Episode 1307
Herbicide Vapor Pressure | Ag PhD
Episode 1307
There are 5 inputs that can either vaporize or volatilize. Brian and Darren talk about what you need to do when applying these products pre or post emerge.
03:06Episode 1306
Fungicides and Plant Health | Ag PhD
Episode 1306
The Hefty brothers discuss benefits other than disease control that fungicides can provide to plants.
03:27Episode 1305
Weed Control in Lawns | Ag PhD
Episode 1305
A good lawn is priceless. The Hefty brothers give their advice on dandelions, crabgrass, and other things holding back your yard.
03:25Episode 1304
Weed Control In Ditches | Ag PhD
Episode 1304
Darren and Brian Hefty discuss how farmers and landowners keep their ditches weed-free.
02:54Episode 1303
Planting into Heavy Residue | Ag PhD
Episode 1303
How do you get good quick growth from fields covered in leftovers from last year? Brian and Darren uncover all the tricks to help you get the right start.
03:14Episode 1302
Nurse Crops | Ag PhD
Episode 1302
Brian and Darren explain how a nurse crops are sometimes used to help a main crop grow.
04:10Episode 1301
Row Spacings | Ag PhD
Episode 1301
Some fields have wide rows and others are narrow. Brian and Darren Hefty talk about the reasons behind the variety of row spacings.
03:16Episode 1300
Fences | Ag PhD
Episode 1300
The Hefty brothers explain why fields may or may not have fences around them.
02:57Episode 1299
Tillering in Crops | Ag PhD
Episode 1299
Are suckers good or bad? Brian and Darren say tillering in grass crops is not necessarily a negative and may actually improve your yield.
03:47Episode 1298
Nutrient Movement In Soil | Ag PhD
Episode 1298
Brian and Darren talk about how various nutrients either move down or stay where they are in the soil profile.
03:12Episode 1297
Frost Heaves In The Road | Ag PhD
Episode 1297
The winter can be damaging to the roads near your farm, but there is one thing you can do to help prevent frost heaves according to Brian and Darren.
03:07Episode 1296
Soil Temperature Variation | Ag PhD
Episode 1296
The Hefty brothers discuss monitoring soil temperature throughout the day and how it pertains to planting.