Cattle Call

Cattle Call

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Cattle Call
  • Is a Seasonal Cattle Drop Underway? | Cattle Call

    The old saying "when county fairs come around, so does the seasonal drop in the cattle market" rings true this year. On this week's Cattle Call, Brad Kooima with Kooima Kooima Varilek examines the early steady trade in the south that is setting the tone for the week. He discusses the steep discou...

  • Algorithms and the Beef Trade | Cattle Call

    "Why the drop?" "Is cash at a record high?" "What are packer margins?" These are just a few of the questions circulating in the cattle trade this week. On this week's Cattle Call, Brad Kooima of Kooima Kooima Varilek delves into the trade action, examines boxed beef numbers, and discusses the inf...

  • Limited News Fails to Halt Cattle's Upward Trend | Cattle Call

    Despite the absence of significant news, the cattle market saw an upward trend. On this week's Cattle Call, Brad Kooima with Kooima Kooima Varilek looks at contributing factors include smaller show lists and the earlier movement of cattle from feedlots.

  • Market's Weird Vibe: Unbelievable Cash Last Week | Cattle Call

    With a lot of talk of last week's cash trade, many wonder where that leaves this week's market. On this issue of Cattle Call, Brad Kooima with Kooima Kooima Varilek, looks not only at the cash, but the off-market vibe along with the southern cash movement heading into the north.

  • Dive into the Cattle Inventory | Cattle Call

    On this week's Cattle Call, Brad Kooima with Kooima Kooima Varilek looks into the corrections but also focuses on some numbers he put together on cattle inventory, a follow-up to our conversation last fall.

  • Cash Movement Puts Producers in the Driver's Seat | Cattle Call

    On this week's Cattle Call, Brad Kooima with Kooima, Kooima, and Varilek looks at driver's seat for producers, heifers coming back to the grass and cow slaughter numbers are down.

  • Cattle Kill Threats | Cattle Call

    Cattle market this week dealing with a lot of pressure from cattle kill threats to the futures game. On this week's Cattle Call, Brad Kooima with Kooima Kooima Varilek looks at the boxed beef movement, cash offerings and consumer confidence.

  • Cattle market digesting latest HPAI chatter | Cattle Call

    On this week's Cattle Call, Brad Kooima with Kooima Kooima Varilek looks at the recent information surrounding the avian influenza and the cattle market.

  • Cattle in the North Short | Cattle Call | April 25, 2024

    On this week's Cattle Call with Brad Kooima, with Kooima Kooima Varilek, we look at the cash, the headlines that are pushing the livestock futures, & the stock market moves.

  • What Happened to Cattle Open Interest | Cattle Call

    On this week's Cattle Call, Joe Kooima with Kooima Kooima Varilek looks at the open interest for cattle & how it compares with the hogs. CPI & consumer demand along with the continued HPAI weighing in on the trade.

  • Sideways for a Month in Cattle Complex | Cattle Call

    The cattle market has seen a lot of sideways movement this past month. On this week's Cattle Call with Brad Kooima, with Kooima Kooima Varilek, also looks at the lighter volume, trade that is waiting on the cash with a cattle on feed report out Friday afternoon. How are the cold storage setting...

  • New Highs for June Cattle | Cattle Call

    Midweek brought a new high for the June cattle. On this week's Cattle Call Brad Kooima, with Kooima Kooima Varilek, looks at the thought of a market moving higher, a trend that started a few years back. How do feeders' market with profit in mind at the moment?

  • Explosive Market Action & Grain Price Opportunities | Cattle Call

    Join Susan Littlefield and Joe Kooima in this week's episode of Cattle Call on Rural Radio Network TV.

    Amidst a bustling market, they delve into the sudden surge in cattle bids, the impact of tight supply on prices, and the opportunities arising from lower grain prices. Discover insights into he...

  • Heifers Are Still Headed Out | Cattle Call

    Markets on Wednesday saw a correction day after a strong Tuesday. But it goes deeper than that, on this week's Cattle Call, Brad Kooima with Kooima Kooima Varilek looks at the true numbers of heifers headed to the feedlot vs. the pasture.

    Feedlot conditions are worsening with recent warm temper...

  • Fundamentals to Cattle Inventory Weighing on Market | Cattle Call

    Fundamentals weighing in on the cattle trade this week and adding to it the upcoming weather and boxed beef market.

    On this week's Cattle Call with Brad Kooima of Kooima Kooima Varilek, he talks of the upcoming Cattle Inventory Report and how those numbers are adding early pressure.

  • So, What's Wrong With the Cattle Market? | Cattle Call

    On this week's Cattle Call, Brad Kooima with Kooima Kooima Varilek looks at what is wrong with the market and how the weather has been almost perfect for winter cattle growth. Plus, is there a pickup on Saturday kills at a variety of plants?

  • Cattle on Feed Report Haunts Cattle Complex | Cattle Call

    This week had started out tough for the cattle market.

    On this week's Cattle Call, Brad Kooima with Kooima, Kooima, Varilek looks at the continued haunting of the cattle on feed report and some long-haul trips for cattle in the north to help meat grade in the south.

    We also look at a questi...

  • Is Market a Victim of Algorithm Trade? | Cattle Call

    The livestock complex fell sharply to start the week. Feeder cattle and live cattle saw the heaviest losses. That was a direct result of the cattle on feed report last week.

  • Uncertainly is Bearish for the Cattle Market | Cattle Call

    Wednesday brought a good market trade for cattle.

    On this week's Cattle Call, Brad Kooima with Kooima, Kooima, Varilek, looks at if this market is oversold & what the immediate need is of the packer.

  • Correction in a Bull Market | Cattle Call

    The cattle market tossed some cards this week as it came off its highs.

    On this week's Cattle Call, Brad Kooima with Kooima Kooima Varilek looks at the weigh-in of the macros along with cash in the north matching the south with that southern market running out of supply.

    We also look at the...

  • Macroeconomics Hitting Cattle Trade | Cattle Call

    The cattle market this week is a tough one to describe.

    So many facets effecting the way the trade is working, including the macroeconomic pressure from the outside markets.

    On this week's Cattle Call, Brad Kooima with Kooima, Kooima, Varilek looks at the government's shutdown talks comparing...

  • Are the Shorts Ready to Give Up on Trade? | Cattle Call

    On this week's Cattle Call, Brad Kooima with Kooima, Kooima, Varilek looks at the shorts and the possibility of giving up on the trade, southern cattle views and has a reversal happened in the trade.

    Also, consumer demand continues to push towards the grounds.

  • Cattle Market Analyst: Cattle Market is Tired | Cattle Call

    Brad Kooima and Susan Littlefield discussed the cattle market, which Brad described as feeling "tired".

    Lighter cattle kills in recent weeks were bringing packer boxes back up, but global economic uncertainty from China and the stock market dip were causes for concern.

    Brad also mentioned the...

  • Beef Cattle Herd Shrinks to Lowest in 52 Years | Cattle Call

    The Doldrums of summer usually bring a change within the cattle, but this summer they are doing good.

    On this week's Cattle Call, Brad Kooima with Kooima, Kooima, Varilek looks at the north cash, weather concerns, the inventory report of last week and this last full trading week of July.