Chores, Chores, Chores | Griggs Farms
Ag Entertainment
7/1/23 | Matt shows a lot of the chores that him, Andy, and Kelly have to get done during the summer such as topdressing cotton, cleaning equipment, reporting crop acres, and tending to the corn maze. A much welcome storm system interrupts Matt's and Andy's work..
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Up Next in Ag Entertainment
Disaster Averted!! | Griggs Farms
6/30/23 | While Matt finishes up spraying and showing off the late cotton crop, Andy gets started on one of the nastiest jobs on the farm: cleaning the combine. But just when he gets started, a potential water emergency pops up...
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Fertilizing Our Crops With Bugs??? | ...
6/26/23 | With wheat harvest over with, all the other crops at Griggs Farms need some attention. Matt starts out by putting in some test plots for Corteva of a product called Utrisha which is supposed to provide nitrogen to the crops using a certain species of bacteria.
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Planting Corn with the Peanut Gallery...
Planting is in full swing! Join us as we plant corn in Missouri.
Grayce and Gavin. Two young, American farmers building their operations and their relationship. Oh yeah, and they live five hours apart. Grayce’s family has been farming for well over 200 years. Gavin… Well, he can still count it o...