This show features corn silage harvesting, "winterizing" alfalfa fields, & products to put in front of wheat. Plus, the Hefty brothers talk ragweed control and air reels for harvesting lodged soybeans.
Up Next in 2022
Ordering Seed Early, Grain Bin Prepar...
Learn why farmers order next year's seed so early, how to prepare your grain bin for harvest, and the true causes of corn lodging.
Brace Roots, Cover Crops, & Tiling | ...
Why do corn plants have those roots that appear above ground along the base of the stalk? Why should you plant oats or turnips in the fall? What exactly is drain tile & will it work on your farm? Plus Brian & Darren Hefty talk milkweed and combine fires in this Ag PhD Show.
Pesticides & Biotechnology, Post-Harv...
Learn about myths vs. facts when it comes to pesticides and biotech, how to have a successful burndown after harvest, and what to look for when you dig a root pit.